I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things I cannot accept.

- Angela Davis

Janice Stanford

Advisory Board




Brand strategy


Janice Stanford

Everything Janice spends her energy on these days seems to evolve from her desire to improve the world. She wants people to be more empathetic toward others. She thinks people need to get uncomfortable to grow. And she simply hopes people will learn to be nicer to each other.

In her role as a founding board member at AddWomxn, Janice supports all womxn, especially the ones who have been in the shadows and deserve to be in the limelight. As Chief Eternal Optimist at Flygirl Creative, Janice strives to make big things happen for her clients.

Stoked is Janice’s favorite word and her favorite sound is laughter. She imagines producing high-impact shows that change the world in a positive way. Less Kardashian, more Neil deGrasse Tyson. Less Sunday Night Football, more National Geographic or Laura Ingalls Wilder. Because it’s about the fleeting moments of joy found in meaningful friendships and close families that she values most.