"If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair."

- Shirley Chisholm, politician, educator, author, and the first African American woman elected to the United States congress

Maria Reitan

Strategic Integrated Communications Expert






Maria Reitan

Maria is a self-proclaimed builder of “things.” She’s passionate about growing business (hers or her clients!), relationships, teams and people. Add to that, Maria is incredibly fast and thorough – whether it comes to “getting it,” solving a problem, or getting work done.

Maria loves to give back to her community. She likes to support individual entrepreneurs, specifically women and those in under-advantaged situations, helping them pursue their dreams. In fact, she has a podcast called Dream Possible, the second iteration of the podcast she’s hosted for 14 years.

As a founding member of Addwomxn, she believes in the power of female entrepreneurs. “When,” she says, “in concert, we can provide a wide-range of services to fit every need, we are unstoppable.”

In her free time, Maria likes to spend time with her family outdoors, travel and read a great book. 


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