Health Education

Let’s Talk Women

case study: crafting an evocative brand





We had a blank slate when our client came to us with an idea about an evocative series around leveling the playing field for women’s health education. We were tasked with creating a brand, name, identity system, PR messaging and execution for the series in a matter of weeks.

Health Education

We created a name that plays off the invitation to talk about women’s health and health education. We crafted the messaging as well as the visual identity. The goal was to create an evocative logo that speaks clearly to women’s health.

The visual identity was enhanced by custom illustrations done by our own Leeya Rose Jackson. Each topic of the series had a specific illustration attached: health disparities, heart health, integrative healing, and joyful aging.

We created a website and all the social media assets to promote the series. Addwomxn executed the PR for the event, as well as the event-day programs, give-aways and signage. Addwomxn documented the series with photography and videography as well.

Start to finish, Addwomxn was able to execute with a complete team to strategize, design and promote this series in a matter of weeks.

The first of the series was promoted on two local TV stations, as well as a radio interview. There was a sold-out crowd of over 110 people in attendance.




Addwomxn sponsor Lets talk Women event Health Education
















Addwomxn for Lets talk women health education

Advancing women’s health equity through education, empowerment, amplification and connection.

Women make 80 percent of consumer purchasing decisions in the healthcare industry. Despite this, women’s health has traditionally been relegated to a niche market within the broader healthcare landscape. Fortunately, there is a noticeable change in this perspective, resulting in improved health outcomes for women. Better outcomes for women not only benefits us as people, but also opens up new prospects for investors, companies, employees, and other stakeholders within the healthcare ecosystem.

Health Education Health Education  Health Education








•  Name

•  Messaging

•  Brand identity

•  Identity system

•  Graphic assets

•  Custom illustrations

•  Website design

•  Event print materials

•  Event give-aways

•  PR execution

•  Photography

•  Videography
















